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Is your property ready for the new minimum housing standards?

The Residential Tenancies Authority (RTA) has reminded Landlords and Property managers of the new rules around minimum housing standards, which will come into effect for new tenancies on 1 September 2023 and for all tenancies 1 September 2024. Minimum housing standards will apply to all types of tenancy arrangements, including general tenancies, rooming accommodation and […]

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Changes in tenancy laws affecting rent increase

The Real Estate Institute of Queensland (REIQ) has issued a guide outlining the key information landlords should be aware of regarding the alterations in tenancy laws pertaining to rent increases. On April 18, 2023, the Deputy Premier verbally proposed amendments to the Local Government Electoral and Other Legislation (Expenditure Caps) Amendment Bill 2022, which aim […]

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Our 3 tips to make more money from your investment property

Location along with a quality investment sets the foundations for success when you’re a landlord. Not only will this help your property lease faster than less desirable properties, but the capital growth can also make for a nice nest egg in the future. In the meantime, what is that you can do to make more […]

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Calendar Marked To Show Rent Due

What happens when a tenant stops paying rent?

When a tenant signs a rental agreement, they are agreeing to the terms of this agreement. But what happens when they break this agreement in way of not paying rent? The Residential Tenancy and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008 is very specific about rent arrears and the action that should be taken when a tenant falls […]

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What you need to know about switching property manager’s

Switching property managers isn’t as difficult as many may think. There are many misconceptions on when and how you can switch property managers, which can lead to owners putting up with mediocre or poor service, counting the days until       their agreement is over, or their tenants move out. But this doesn’t have to be the […]

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Who is responsible for light bulbs in a rental property?

The supply and replacement of light bulbs is not specified in the Tenancies Rooming and Accommodation Act 2008. As such to avoid confusion or dispute, any arrangement about light bulbs should be included in the special terms of the tenancy agreement. Generally, the Landlord may be responsible for maintaining specialised bulbs and the tenant may […]

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Copy Of Qow Building Warranty

Variations in a building contract: what are they and how to avoid them

You may have heard people talking about how they ‘got hit’ with variations when building or even renovating. Variations can easily blow your building or renovating budget; however, they are often avoidable if you know what you are doing. What is a variation? The term ‘variations’ refers to changes to what’s been agreed upon in […]

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How to prepare your home to rent

Preparing your own home for other people to rent is not as simple as just moving out and putting a for lease sign out the front. There are several things you should consider before handing over the keys to your home to a stranger. So, why is it important to prepare your home to rent? […]

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Blue Blueberries Food Fact Facebook Post

Do I get a warranty when I build a new house?

The answer is yes. However, there a several different warranties that may cover your new home, each covering different things and for a different period. The below information sourced from Queensland Building and Construction Commission: Non-structural Defective Work – As a contractor, you may provide a 6- or 12-month statutory warranty from the date of practical completion […]

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Man Is Handing A House Key To A Woman


If you are looking to rent a property, you’re going to be required to pay a bond. It can be a big upfront cost, so what is it for? Generally, your rental bond is worked at out four times your weekly rent and can be thought of as a security deposit. It is there to […]

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So, what is it that your property manager should be doing for you?

As an property investor, do you know what the key responsibilities of a property manager are? At Orbit Property we go above and beyond for all our clients. But there are some basic property manager duties that ALL property manager should be doing. Below we highlight some of the roles and primary obligations. Key property […]

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