Investment Property Information and FAQs
We’ve compiled a list of property investment information and frequently asked questions, covering topics such as your rights as a lessor and advice about leasing details. Please give the friendly team at Orbit Property a call on 0439 840 152 if you’ve got a question you’d like answered or would like to see how our property management team can make your life easier.
Is a Fixed-Term or Periodic Agreement Better?
It is difficult to pinpoint exactly what agreement would be best for you, as they both come with their pros and cons. Usually, a fixed-term agreement is the better choice for most investors, because it provides greater financial security and greater control of when your property is going to hit the market.
It is not a legal requirement in Queensland to offer either a six or twelve-month lease period. As an investor you may wish to consider offering tenancies so that the tenancy ends in the peak periods. Some Tenants may find it odd that they are not being offered the common six or twelve-month lease period, so it is important that your Property Manager clearly communicates the benefits that the tenant could incur in ending the lease in peak rental season.
When Should I Put My Property on the Market?
The time of the year that a property is advertised for rent can make a considerable difference to the demand on your property which can impact the rent achieved and, therefore, the Return on Investment (ROI).
January – February: This is the busiest season in the rental market and the time of year that people are most on the move. Whether it be people being transferred for work, settling kids into a new school, starting the university year or simply renters who want to change of location or lifestyle.
June – August: This is another optimal time of year to maximise the demand for your rental property. June to August proves to be the second busiest time of the year in the Brisbane rental market with six month tenancies expiring and new university intakes occurring.
While it is possible to locate a suitable Tenant at any time of the year, these two peak periods provide investors with more selection of suitable and quality applicants, more demand for their properties and more potential for optimal market rent to be achieved.
How Much Rent Can I Achieve for My Property?
To determine how much rent you can achieve for your property, you will need to assess the current rental market by comparing similar properties in the area and what they are renting for. A good place to start is to carry out some research online. It is important to pay attention to the requested prices, the condition of the properties you are comparing your investment property to and how long the properties stay on the market at those rates. Our Property Managers at Orbit Property can provide you with a Rental Market Opinion and helpful hints to get your property rented.
Can I Charge Water to The Tenant?
Yes, full water consumption can be passed on to the tenant, however the property must be individually metered and water compliant as per the Residential Tenancy Authority requirements. If the property is not water compliant but is individually metered, it must be agreed in the General Tenancy Agreement on the water consumption usage that the Tenant will be charged. Talk to the Orbit Property team about how to make your property water compliant.
Who Is Responsible for Repairs?
The owner is responsible for keeping the property in good repair and fit for the Tenant/Resident to live in. The Tenant is responsible for looking after the property/room and keeping it clean and undamaged. If a Tenant or their guest damages the property, they may have to pay for the repairs.
Can I Sell My Property with A Tenant in Place?
Yes, you can sell your property whilst a tenant is in place. However, if you place your property on the market within the first 2 months of the tenant’s lease period commencing, without notifying the Tenant of selling prior to the signing of the lease, the tenant is within their right to break the lease by giving notice in writing without any penalties to them.

Investment Property Information
Get in touch with Orbit Property if you have any additional investment property questions that you would like more information about. Call 0439 840 152